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Did you know that Sabrina Carpenter comes with 5 of her CDs?
November 28th, 2016 under Disney Kids, Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]

Sabrina Carpenter has a new CD out and looks like if you buy 5 EVOLutions at Target, the Girl Meets World star comes home with you. Not a bad get on Cyber Monday for the teen in your life who has everything, that is if you want to let your feet do the walking instead of your fingers.


Boy Meets World meets Girl Meets World
July 30th, 2016 under Disney Kids. [ Comments: none ]

For the season 3 finale of Girl Meets World, they will get to meet the cast of Boy Meets World. That’s right the GMW Writers said, “Feeny. Turner. Shawn. Eric. Alan. Amy. Minkus. Harley. Both Morgans. All stop by and help us make a decision.” And hopefully that decision will be enough for Disney Channel to renew this show for a fourth season. It is their best show they got and I would be shocked if they don’t renew it.
The ratings might be down, but that could be because you never know when it is going to air. It is on one week, then off for three, back for 2 off for 5 and so on. How is anybody who doesn’t DVR the show supposed to know when to tune in?


BTWF singing: Ariana Grande at Florida Panthers
July 4th, 2016 under Ariana Grande, Before They Were Famous, Disney Kids. [ Comments: none ]

Before Ariana Grande was singing her own songs to packed arenas, she was singing the Star Spangled Banner at a Florida Panthers game. What a voice the 8 year old had back in 2001 when she sang the National Anthem to open that hockey game.


Adventures in Babysitting is a fun adventure you don’t want to miss
June 24th, 2016 under Disney Kids. [ Comments: none ]

When I heard that Disney Channel was redoing Adventures in Babysitting, I was expecting it to be awful. I was greatly mistaken about the remake that debuts tonight at 8p.
Uptight Jenny (Sabrina Carpenter) and wild Lola (Sofia Carson) are both up for the same photography internship. While talking to the boss, they both drop their phones that look alike and get switched. Something they don’t realize until they are in their cars driving away.
Jenny runs a babysitting company and Lola needs money; so when Lola gets a call about a job, she accepts. She thinks it will be easy, but it is anything but.
When Jenny finds out that Lola took a job at the Andersons, she runs over to the house with the kids she is babysitting. They are rebellious Emily (Nikki Hahn) and fashionista Katy (Mallory James Mahoney). Lola is taking care of future cook Bobby (Jet Jurgensmeyer), roller hockey aficionado AJ (Madison Horcher) and teen Trey (Max Gecowets), but when Jenny gets there the last one is missing. They find out he left his suburban home to go to a concert in Downtown Seattle.
Now the 6 of them are on their way to the city to find him using his mother’s very expensive car. Their first stop is a pawn shop where he bought the tickets. When Lola takes a photo of the shop owner holding a ferret he stole, the owners will chase them to get that photo back. Which should be a lot easier for them because the car the babysitters were driving got towed. They don’t have the money to get the car back and they have to find a way to get to Trey who went to his favorite pizza joint.
Once they find Trey that is when the adventures really start. Will they be able to get the 5 kids home before the parents get home? Will they get caught by the parents? The pawn shop owners? The police? You will want to tune to find out in this enjoyable movie that will not only babysit the kids tonight, it will also babysit you.


Demi Lovato flaunts her curves!
January 19th, 2016 under Demi Lovato, Disney Kids. [ Comments: none ]

Demi Lovato is in a business where people scrutinize every inch of your body. After years of dealing with all of that, the singer no longer cares what they think. She posted the above photo and said, “BTS @Allure_magazine cover shoot.. #nophotoshop pic bc I’m proud to show my body the way it naturally is #CONFIDENT.”
Out of all of the Disney stars from her pack, she is the one I admire the most. She is the only one of them, I think, who can be considered a role model. She wants girls to be who they are and not give into to what some warped people want them to be.


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