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Joe Jonas who, who?
July 20th, 2011 under Disney Kids, Jonas Brothers. [ Comments: none ]

Joe Jonas is into the doing the OWL, what that is I have no idea. But what I do know is what KIIS DJ JoJo Wright and him are doing makes two of them look absolutely ridiculous. Seriously don’t they look stupid? But then again they are having fun, so I will leave them be unless a hunter like Dick Cheney or Sarah Palin wants to take a shot at them.


I love Nick Jonas Just the Way You Are at The Edge of Glory!
July 3rd, 2011 under Disney Kids, Jonas Brothers, Lady Gaga. [ Comments: none ]

Nick Jonas was performing an outdoor show on Friday and besides singing his own songs, he sang some covers. He sang his older brother Joe’s See No More, Lady Gaga‘s The Edge of Glory and Bruno’s Just the Way You Are. After listening to his takes on the songs, he just became my favorite Jonas Brother. And I am not alone because here is what the Fame Monster Tweeted after she heard him do her latest hit, “Swoon! Nick Jonas singing The Edge of Glory. On my way to press conference in Taichung, listening to it. So dreamy! X” Dreamy is right!!!


Joe Jonas got laid!
April 24th, 2011 under Disney Kids, Jonas Brothers. [ Comments: none ]

Ooops that was a typo, I meant Joe Jonas got leid!!! Sorry it was too easy not to go there!


Joe Jonas, what big eyes you have
April 10th, 2011 under Disney Kids, Jonas Brothers. [ Comments: none ]

Joe Jonas Tweeted this picture of him with unusually big eyes and I thought it was so cute in a funny sort of way I had to share it with you.
I think that is the most fun I have ever seen the middle Jonas Brother have. Seriously doesn’t seem a little uptight?


Joe Jonas is a free man
March 17th, 2011 under Disney Kids, Jonas Brothers, Twilight. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from Fame Pictures)

A day after Joe Jonas gushed about his girlfriend in Details magazine, their reps confirmed to Us Weekly he has broken up with Ashley Green. A source told Us Weekly that he “wasn’t that into it.” Which is a lot different than what he told Details, because he said their relationship “feels good.” I wonder what happened that it went from good to bad so quickly???
So now that the Twilight/Disney pairing is over, who will be the next manufactured, I mean, crossover relationship?


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