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No Skeet Ulrich, no Law & Order: LA on NBC
January 19th, 2011 under Dick Wolf, NBC, Skeet Ulrich. [ Comments: 1 ]

(photo from NBC)

About a week after NBC announced that Law & Order: LA was going through some major changes like the useless firing of Skeet Ulrich, they have decided to pull the show from its lineup with no return date anytime in the future. They said that Parenthood would retain its current slot instead of bringing back the the fifth Law & Order. Sounds like even with a retooling, LOLA was murdered like most of the cases they try to solve.
While this news made me happy because they learned they made mistake by getting rid of Skeet, I was saddened to find out that Marriage Ref’s return was also postponed indefinitely. Maybe Skeet can replace the Benny Youngman wanna be host.


It’s criminal Skeet Ulrich was fired from Law & Order: LA
January 12th, 2011 under Dick Wolf, NBC, Skeet Ulrich. [ Comments: 23 ]

If you are like me then you forgot that there is a Law & Order: Los Angeles on NBC’s air. Well the network is making some changes to get people to watch the show againand I don’t agree with them. The Hollywood Reporter says that they got rid of three actors including Jericho’s Skeet Ulrich. The other two are Regina King and Megan Boone. I personally found the show extremely boring which is why I opted not to watch it, but had I chosen to keep it up the only reason to I would have watched would’ve been for Skeet.
I still think NBC made a mistake not going for a record with Law & Order: The Mothership in order to replace it with LOLA just because they were rumored to the nickname they gave the show. But what do I know, I just watch a sh!tload of TV???


Taryn Manning possesses you on tonight’s Law & Order: SVU
January 5th, 2011 under Dick Wolf, NBC, Taryn Manning. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 10p on the second episode of Law & Order:SVU, Taryn Manning plays a woman who was forced as a kid to do a child porn video that is still circulating on the web today and now a man has attacked her by recreating the video of her past. But she is not the only victim because several young girls that look like her as a kid are also being attacked in the same way. Is it the same guy who forced her to do such a horrible act as a kid or is it copy cat? Tune in to find out in this powerful episode with a surprise ending. Plus Taryn Manning gives an Emmy worthy performance, she is sensational in tonight’s episode.


Law & Order switches coasts tonight to Los Angeles
September 29th, 2010 under Dick Wolf, NBC. [ Comments: none ]

Law & Order: Los Angeles debuts on NBC tonight at 10p and if you like the original one you will love this show. It is like the others in the franchise but with a different back drop. In tonight’s episode they tackle the Hollywood Burglars with I am thinking a little Lindsay and Dina Lohan mixed in. On next week’s episode they take on one of Manson Family members being released from jail. The show plays out with you never guessing what will happen at the end. Skeet Ulrich and Corey Storll are great partners and I can’t wait to see what else they do to solves crimes in the city I live in every Wednesday at 10p.
Before LOLA makes it full hour debut at 10p, you will get a sneak peek of it in Law & Order: SVU. Jennifer Love Hewitt plays a rape victim afraid to leave her place and Det Olivia Benson is determined stop him and free her from her own own self-imposed jail. The case will eventually bring her to LA where she meets up with Skeet and it is scary why you will learn in the episode why several rapists won’t ever be able to go behinds bars like the prison they leave their victims in.
Jennifer Love Hewitt does an emotional job as a woman who has been terrorized for over 10 years by the rapist who raped her several times over that time period.


The cast of Law & Order: SVU has some fun!
July 28th, 2010 under Dick Wolf, NBC. [ Comments: none ]

Ever wonder if the cast of the popular NBC drama Law & Order SVU ever have fun between takes, well thanks to the executive producer we are seeing they do and lots of it. Neal Baer Tweeted these two gag reals from the show and I am so glad he did because they are a real cut up! So sit back and watch and see a different side of the Special Victims Unit!!!


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