How cute are those pictures of Marcia Cross and her twin girls Eden and Savannah! She better enjoy this time with them because looks like she will be going back to work soon on Desperate Housewives!
Looks like Posh Spice has a way replace to Katie Holmes and they are a much better match because they both have sports stars for a husband and she will not try to convert them to Scientology.
Katie Price aka Jordan posted on MySpace about a rumor that she will be playing Edie Brit's sister. I had not heard the rumor but I hope it is true. Seriously how awesome would she be in the role? All the girls on Desperate Housewives would despise if she guest starred on the show because she is younger than all of them.
Although ABC and Mark Cherry wanted to hold the Desperate Housewives conclusion of the tornado episode until after the WGA strike was over, they have decided to air it on January 6th. I think they are doing to promote one of there new shows that will fill time for the time being.
Anyways who cares why, I am glad that they are airing it because I have to admit I was really p!ssed that they were holding it. I think in ways they held it too long because part one is such a powerful episode. But what do we know we are the schmucks who sat through 2 and a half bad seasons to get one good episode. Hopefully we will get a second on the 6th.