Desperate Housewives will start its 5th season on Sunday 5 years in the future but for their TV Guide cover they went 50 years back. I wonder why Teri Hatcher is the only one not wearing a little number like the rest of the girls.
I had been reading how weird this interview with Eva Longoria was on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno where Russell Brand was also on the couch with her, and after seeing it it didn’t disappoint. About mid-way through the interview loses it when Russell Brand misheard what she said when she said PETA and thought she said pea on her. But the weirdest part comes at 7:00 in when Eva Longoria gives the men some M&Ms from her secret hiding place.
And I knew Eva Longoria was tiny, but didn’t realize how tiny she was compared to Russell’s hair.
That is a not a good pair jeans for Eva Longoria especially from that angle. The zipper and the camel toe show that those jeans are too tight for her new fuller figure and that shirt is not helping the pregnancy rumors.
Eva Longoria talked to Latina about her past work at Wendy's and so much more.
On her first job, at Wendy's: I worked there for six years! It was my high school job. I loved it. And I still love them. They are an amazing organization. I still keep in touch with my manager from when I was 14. They are just great to me. I wanted to have a quinceanara, so I went to Wendy's to work to pay for my own quinceanara. I stayed. I paid for my cheerleading and everything through that. It was like whatever you want to do outside of school, you have to pay for it. I never had a car because I was always trying to save.
It is so easy to hate Eva Longoria, but then she says something like that and it makes it hard not to like her.
Check out Latina to see what she says about her parents, her wedding and so much more.