Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Dennis Quaid
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Dennis Quaid’s rage continues?
April 15th, 2015 under David Spade, Dennis Quaid, Seth Green. [ Comments: none ]

Just days after a video surfaced of Dennis Quaid losing his temper on the set of a movie, the actor was seen holding Seth Green in a chokehold. The red headed actor explained what happened, “Said the wrong thing to Dennis Quaid, saw the business end of his powerful arms while @DavidSpade tried to intervene.”
What Green said to him, we don’t know. Maybe he called him Dopey the Dick? What do you think he could’ve said to him to garner that reaction?

UPDATE: Funny Or Die revealed that they were behind the Dennis Quaid meltdown and here is the full video. It is a lot funnier when you see the whole thing play out.


BTWF roles: Dennis Quaid in Are You in the House Alone?
April 14th, 2015 under Before They Were Famous, Dennis Quaid. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 6:28 in)

Before Dennis Quaid was terrorized by the former owner of the house he lives in Cold Creek Manor, he was terrorizing his friend’s girlfriend in Are You in the House Alone? He looks the same now as he did when he was 23 in that 1978 movie.


Dennis Quaid is the new Christian Bale?
April 14th, 2015 under Christian Bale, Dennis Quaid. [ Comments: none ]
Remember a few years ago when Christian Bale lost his temper on Terminator Salvation’s set, well Dennis Quaid did the same thing on the set of an upcoming production. Unlike Batman’s rant, his was caught on camera and posted on the internet.
The actor screams, “WTF? Keep going? I am acting here and this d!ckhead wanders on to my set. I can’t even get a line out until Dopey the D!ck starts whispering in your ear. You’re not even watching anymore.” A man tries to calm him down, by repeatedly saying his name. He starts up again, “Don’t f*cking Dennis me. I am doing my job here. I am pro. This is the most unprofessional set I have ever been on. This is horsesh!t. I’ve got these f*cking Zombies over here that I have to look at. I have a bunch of pussies staring at me and this f*cking baby. This is garbage.” At this point he walks off the set, but not without two parting words, “Blow me!”
Some are saying this is fake, but I don’t think you can fake that type of anger. What do you think?


Nice bicycle, Dennis Quaid!
September 25th, 2013 under Dennis Quaid, In Your Pocket?. [ Comments: 1 ]

Fame Flynet
As if any of you are looking at Dennis Quaid’s bicycle, you are doing exactly what I am doing and checking out the front and back seats. Hey if you are going to wear shorts as tight as that, then you need to be prepared that people are going to stare.


Dennis Quaid is Ellen DeGeneres’ puppet
July 5th, 2010 under Dennis Quaid, Ellen DeGeneres. [ Comments: none ]

Dennis Quaid was on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and she got him to be her puppet. She sent Everybody’s All-American actor out to repeat and do everything she said to a poor unsuspecting tow truck driver that came to help him out with his car that didn’t start. I never knew it, but he is no Rookie to humor. He one upped everything Ellen DeGeneres told him to do, so much so I found myself laughing hysterically. And what about that poor Suspect? I think he handled himself so well. I think if I were him I would have gotten in my truck and driven away once Dennis started making those weird sounds. But it all paid for him because he got to live the American Dreamz and be on the American Idol’s judges daytime talk show.
Make sure to watch it all the way through because you will still be laughing about it The Day After Tomorrow!


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