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Dave Annable shares the sh!tty side of parenthood!
December 8th, 2015 under Dave and Odette Annable. [ Comments: none ]

Dave Annable and his wife Odette are the proud parents of Charlie Mae and they learned that “sh!t changes” when you have a baby girl. For example going #2 when you have a 3 month old is not as easy as it used to be. Before you would be able to sit down on the toilet, do your business with a closed door and enjoy those moments of stinky silence. Now, you have to bring the baby in with you just in case it takes longer than your thought and she needs you.
Don’t feel bad about her smelling your crap, remember the smell your smelled when she left you a present in her diaper. Gag me with a silver spoon.


Odette Annable spent Labor Day in labor!
September 10th, 2015 under Dave and Odette Annable. [ Comments: none ]

On Monday, Odette and Dave Annable welcomed their first child together after almost 5 years of marriage. Charlie Mae is a very lucky girl because her dad wrote a beautiful birth announcement for her.

Odette and I couldn’t be happier to announce the arrival of the love of our lives. Welcome to the world Charlie Mae Annable. She was born September 7th, Labor Day. Team Annable did not get the memo that “Labor Day” wasn’t to be taken literally. Charlie is a holiday all on her own. Mom and baby are in great health, and dad hasn’t stopped crying since. Shocker. Charlie is one lucky girl to have you as a mother @odetteannable. You are made from heaven. #proudhusband #proudpapa #lifehasawholenewmeaning

Can that be any more sweet? Proving that he is just as beautiful on the inside as he is on the outside.


Odette Annable tasered her husband!
August 28th, 2015 under Dave and Odette Annable. [ Comments: none ]

A video posted by Dave Annable (@dave_annable) on

For some reason someone gave Odette Annable a taser and she used it on her husband Dave Annable. As soon as she tased him, he went flying higher than her TV husband went on The Astronaut Wives Club as in he went to Space; and she was laughing uncontrollably. Too much for his liking and not enough for mine.


Dave Annable can’t wait to meet is daughter
August 17th, 2015 under Dave and Odette Annable. [ Comments: none ]

Dave Annable and his wife Odette are expecting their first child any day now, and looks like the proud father can’t wait to hear his baby girl call him daddy.
The actor shared the sweetest photo of himself listening to his wife’s belly with a stethoscope and said, “I’m not sure if I hear our little girl or chipotle.” I guess he didn’t learn the difference when he played a doctor on Red Band Society. And she can’t help him because she is starring in The Astronaut Wives Club, and her character is a pilot and not a doctor.
When it comes to her ABC drama, I don’t want Thursday’s episode to be the series finale. I want it to go on for years to come.


Is Dave Annabelle happy he’s having a girl?
June 22nd, 2015 under Dave and Odette Annable. [ Comments: none ]

A video posted by Dave Annable (@dave_annable) on

On Mother’s Day, Dave Annabelle and his wife Odette announced that they are having baby and on Father’s Day they came up with a creative to reveal the sex. They invited their friends over to declare whether they were Team Boy or Team Girl. Once everyone made their vote, it was time to pop the balloons and let the confetti fly all over the place. If it is pink they are having a girl, if it blue then they are having a boy. After the happy couple pinned the black balloons, pink confetti went flying all over the place. But the Red Band Society actor saw both pink and blue, so he asked the star of The Astronaut Wives Club to confirm that he was actually seeing pink. When she told him yes, he started to cry tears of joy. And we are all there with him because that is such a sweet way to find out the sex of your baby.
Now, I want to know how they are going to top that when they reveal that their beautiful little daughter has made her grand entrance into the world.


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