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BTWF roles: Italia Ricci on How I Met Your Mother
July 15th, 2014 under Before They Were Famous, How I Met Your Mother, Italia Ricci and Robbie Amell. [ Comments: none ]

Before Italia Ricci was living with her mother and sister on Chasing Life, she was living with a friend on How I Met Your Mother. She looks the same now as she did when she was 22 in that 2009 episode.


EP Aaron Kaplan shares Chasing Life’s message and it’s a beautiful one!
July 15th, 2014 under Italia Ricci and Robbie Amell. [ Comments: none ]

When you look up Aaron Kaplan on IMDB, you will see the list of shows that he is an Executive Producer on are all very different from each other. He’s worked on the sci-fi drama Terra Nova, the nighttime soap GCB, the hilarious alien/human sitcom The Neighbors, the raunchy Friends with Better Lives, the family sitcom Instant Mom; and coming up he has the suspenseful murder mystery Secrets & Lies and the police dramedy The Mysteries of Laura. So while most EPs stick to the same genre, he does anything but. I asked him about that at the NBC Summer TCA Press Day and he said, “It allows me to play in so many different spaces and exercise so many different creative muscles.” Then he added, “Frankly, I would be scared of doing the same kind of show every single time.”
So what would be that perfect show for him to produce? His answer is not what you would expect. To him, “The perfect show to do is one that resonates with an audience, with a cast that enjoys each other, with great creative writing. That’s what excites me.”
One of his shows that is currently on the air that really excites me is ABC Family’s Chasing Life. I wanted to know how long this show could go because lead character, April, has Leukemia. I asked this question because her type of cancer killed my old boss within 6 months of her diagnosis, but then there were people are her memorial service who had it for years. Kaplan responded by saying, “Whether April lives or not, the message has to be to not take your days for granted, to not take your friends for granted. “ Adding, “What I do promise is we are not going to prolong this, where she is healthy, she’s sick, she’s healthy, she’s sick.” He knows the audience is smarter than that and because of that they will be keeping the show authentic. What he loves about Chasing Life is that mortality is not something someone who is 25 is thinking about. He concluded his thought with, “What we are trying to do on this show is really talk about how precious life is.”
And tonight at 9p, someone on the show is given an end date. That person understands how precious life is, and they are teaching April (Italia Ricci) to live her remaining days to the fullest. Not that she is going to die, but we all need to live our lives. Although for April that is getting tougher to do now that her mom knows about her cancer. Sara (Mary Page Keller) is being overprotective of her daughter and the lengths she is going to might cost her April. And April has enough on her plate because the side effects of the cancer are starting to show their evil side. Because of that she has no choice but to face the fact that she has cancer and everything comes along with it.
So once again get the tissues ready for an another emotionally well done episode. Just think this season only 16 more episodes to go after this one. Do like I did and go stock up on tissues at Costco because you are going to need them to get through the rest of the season.


The tears will be flowing during tonight’s Chasing Life
July 8th, 2014 under Italia Ricci and Robbie Amell. [ Comments: none ]

If you thought last week’s Chasing Life was a real tearjerker, tonight’s episode on ABC Family at 9p is even worse.
The episode starts off with April (Italia Ricci) fainting in front of her mom (Mary Page Keller), and now her mother is suspicious of her. Sara can’t figure out why her daughter is losing so much weight, moody and tired all the time, so she searches April’s bedroom. When she is in there, she finds a bag full of pills and assumes the worse. So she decides to hold a family meeting with April’s sister (Haley Ramm), grandmother (Rebecca Schull) and estranged Uncle George (Steven Weber). What will happen when Sara confronts her daughter? Will April finally tell her mom she has cancer? And top it all off, Uncle George gets a call during the intervention and he finds out the results to April’s biopsy. How will she handle the news? What is the course of action? And so on?
So just reading that is enough of a hint that you will need a full box of tissues when you watch it because you will be crying like a baby. I know I was.


April reveals her diagnosis to someone close on tonight’s Chasing Life
July 1st, 2014 under Italia Ricci and Robbie Amell. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 9p on ABC Family’s Chasing Life, April (Italia Ricci) finally tells someone else that is very close to her, besides her best friend, that she has cancer. She does it while she is in a heated argument with that person, and then storms off after she shares the news. How will that person react? How will she react? How will you react? I can only answer the last one and I will warn you now, have the tissues ready because you will be crying. And just when you think that the tears will stop, they will start again as she finally gets her biopsy to see how far along she is with the Leukemia. This scene will make you feel like you are in the room with her, holding her hand. It is that well done.
I will admit, I had issues with the first two episodes of this show because I didn’t think they handled the cancer storyline correctly. But the last two episodes have really impressed me because they are finally dealing with it head on and the acting and writing is handling it perfectly.
So if you’ve never seen the show; you can watch the first 3 episodes online or on the ABC Family App, and then watch the fourth episode tonight. If you’ve been watching it since the beginning, tonight’s episode is a must not miss. So don’t miss it.


Very emotional shows for Rizzoli & Isles, Chasing Life and The Night Shift tonight
June 24th, 2014 under Italia Ricci and Robbie Amell, NBC, TNT/TBS/TCM. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 9p on TNT, Rizzoli and Isles say goodbye to one of their own. On August 19, 2013, we were all shocked when news came out that Lee Thompson Young had passed away and tonight the show he was starring in at the time says goodbye to him and his character, Barry Frost. The show does a beautiful tribute to him as they remember him throughout the episode and at his character’s funeral.
Anyone who is and has been a fan of this of police drama will want to tune in because it is a must not miss episode for us.

Also at 9p, but on ABC Family is Chasing Life. April Carver (Italia Ricci) is assigned a story that will change her life. A man claims that his carrot juice is helping people with cancer, so she talks to him about and tries a sample. When she comes back to see him, he realizes that she has cancer like him and she finally has someone to talk about her leukemia. So now she has someone can relate to, but something happens that changes everything and her perspective about it all. How will it change her, we will just have to tune in next week to find out.
Tonight’s episode is the first one that really deals with the emotions that come to a cancer patient after their diagnosis and because of that is a very powerful one.

Finally at 10p a storm is coming to NBC’s The Night Shift and our doctors will be caught up in it. There is a dangerous storm on the outside and that one isn’t even as bad as the one that is happening in the hospital. Scott Wolf joins the team tonight as the lead trauma surgeon. Scott Collins (Wolf) is dating Jordan (Jill Flint) and he is going to cause problems for her ex, TJ (Eoin Macken). Those two don’t see eye to eye and their conflict is going to get a whole lot worse before the ground is even dry again.
Meanwhile Topher (Ken Leung) gets a call from his wife that she is labor. But it gets worse because she was in a car accident and trapped in the storm. And gets even worse because she doesn’t know where she is. Will he find her before it is too late? You will just have to watch this emotional episode to find out.


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