Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Charlie Sheen
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Get that Winning Charlie Sheen scent!!!
March 2nd, 2011 under Charlie Sheen, Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]

There have been lots and lots of spoofs of Charlie Sheen since the Sheenanigans started last week and folks I think we have a winner!!! Jimmy Fallon made a fake commercial for the ex Two and a Half Men’s star new cologne Winning and the talk show host nailed him! Only problem is the former-SNLer looked too healthy and his hair was too perfect in it. But other than that he wins the late night Sheenanigans wars!!!
You can see what else he does on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon on NBC tonight at 1235p and if it is anything like this you are not going to want to miss it!!!


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