Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Cameron Diaz
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Charlie’s wax Angels
February 20th, 2008 under Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, Madame Tussauds. [ Comments: 1 ]

They really did a good job with these wax figures for Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore especially the one for Cameron. Seriously when I first I saw these pictures I really thought it was them. 

A Cameron Diaz upskirt
September 20th, 2007 under Cameron Diaz, Celeb Oops. [ Comments: 1 ]

Looks like Cameron Diaz has more in common with Britney Spears than that they both dated Justin Timberlake…they both also seem not to wear underwear.

Cameron Diaz color coordinates with a NYC cab
September 5th, 2007 under Cameron Diaz. [ Comments: 3 ]

Notice how Cameron Diaz's jacket matches the exterior and her jeans match the inside and her sneakers match the colors of the passenger's shirt in the front…seriously how cool is that? OK! You know you need sleep when you observe stuff like that! 

Is Posh Spice looking for a new BFF?
June 4th, 2007 under Cameron Diaz, The Beckhams. [ Comments: 1 ]

Now that Posh Spice is in the States it makes sense for her to have more than one friend, especially since Katie Holmes is away! That and she is probably realizing what we all think of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes here. Time for her to have a new BFF like Cameron Diaz! 

Does Cameron Diaz want her sexy back?
February 19th, 2007 under Cameron Diaz. [ Comments: none ]

CAMERON Diaz is not over Justin Timberlake just yet, and things got heated when she saw her ex chatting up Jessica Biel in L.A. after the Golden Globes. Sources say the temperamental star "blew up" at Biel after she saw Timberlake flirting with her. Diaz followed Timberlake to the In Style party at the Hilton Oasis, where "they had an awkward conversation." The "Charlie’s Angels" star then trailed Timberlake to the Beverly Hilton rooftop for the Universal party, where she found him chatting up Biel – and screamed at the "Illusionist" star. "If that’s how she wants to get him back, it won’t work," said our insider. "She’s desperate." Reps for Diaz did not return our call.

Page Six (story) and Us Weekly (photo)

I wonder if they broke up because she said she has commitment phobia? Maybe if she was willing to settle down with him they could get back together? Just a guess?


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