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The Box pushed my button!
June 27th, 2009 under Cameron Diaz. [ Comments: 2 ]

The trailer for Cameron Diaz’s next film The Box really pushed my button and I can’t wait to see it! Seriously how suspenseful does that movie look? What would you do if someone gave you box saying if you pushed the button someone somewhere in the world would die, but you would get a million dollars for doing so?
It really looks like we are going to get a treat with this movie when it comes out the day before Halloween!


The trailer for My Sister’s Keeper
April 15th, 2009 under Cameron Diaz. [ Comments: none ]

Even since I read that Medium’s Sofia Vassilieva was taking on the role in My Sister’s Keeper that Dakota Fanning dropped out of because she wouldn’t shave her like Sofia did, I have wanted to see this movie. When a teenage girl with long blonde gorgeous hair down to her a$$ shaves her head for a role, you know the script has got to be f*cking amazing. Considering that the trailer made me cry, I think she made the right choice. And Cameron Diaz is proving she can do serious roles as well as comedic ones!
I can’t wait to see My Sister’s Keeper when it comes to theaters on June 26th. I will start stocking up on tissues now.


Cameron Diaz travels light
January 7th, 2009 under Cameron Diaz. [ Comments: 2 ]

OMG! What does she have in all those big suitcases? Her boyfriend? A body? Her money?

Cameron Diaz is bald?
May 22nd, 2008 under Cameron Diaz. [ Comments: 2 ]

Cameron Diaz donned a bald head for her new movie My Sister’s Keeper, but fans of Cameron’s hair don’t worry unlike her co-star Sofia Vassilieva (from Medium) it is only skullcap.
Do you think she should shave it?


Retro: Cameron Diaz swimming topless
March 3rd, 2008 under Cameron Diaz, Celeb Oops, Retro. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see the NSFW pictures then click here!


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