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Is Brad Pitt worried about Angelina Jolie’s weight?
July 11th, 2007 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

Recently Brad Pitt took Angelina Jolie home to his family and while there she barely ate and that is making Brad nervous according to Life & Style Weekly

Angie’s frail appearance stunned the Pitts. And when everyone sat down for dinner, says a family insider, Angelina ate only a handful of grapes and a small slice of watermelon — and skipped breakfast the next morning!

In recent days, Brad has grown increasingly concerned about Angie’s eating habits and shrinking frame — and what they’re doing to the star’s health. A second family insider says the 5-foot-8 actress is down to just 95 pounds and suffers from headaches and dizzy spells. “She’s wasting away, and Brad doesn’t know what to do,” says the second insider. “He’s worried sick about her, but she refuses to eat.”

She only weighs 95 pounds at 5'8" that is way scary. If she wants to continue doing all that good work she needs to eat. 

(photo via INF


Angelina Jolie limits the press at her movie premiere
June 14th, 2007 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

Angelina Jolie put a lot of restrictions on the press who wanted to cover her premiere last night and a lot of them said no way Jolie according to Fox 411. Here is some of the stuff she did. 

Reporters were asked to agree to "not ask Ms. Jolie any questions regarding her personal relationships. In the event Interviewer does ask Ms. Jolie any questions regarding her personal relationships, Ms. Jolie will have the right to immediately terminate the interview and leave."

The agreement also required that "the interview may only be used to promote the Picture. In no event may Interviewer or Media Outlet be entitled to run all or any portion of the interview in connection with any other story. … The interview will not be used in a manner that is disparaging, demeaning, or derogatory to Ms. Jolie."

If that wasn't enough, Jolie also requires that if any of these things happen, "the tape of the interview will not be released to Interviewer." Such a violation, the signatory thus agrees, would "cause Jolie irreparable harm" and make it possible for her to sue the interviewer and seek a restraining order.

While it not uncommon that reporters are asked not ask certain questions and ask them to only promote the movie only, but I have never heard where they threaten to sue and seek a restraining orders. I heard that that did not go over very well the print media, who left instead of signing the agreement. I also heard that TV media stayed, but most did not sign. What is she hiding that she felt the need to put such heavy restrictions on the press. 

She also banned Fox News and all the Fox affiliates:

That's not all: Jolie told Paramount Pictures publicists to ban FOX News Channel and all FOX News affiliates from covering the "Mighty Heart" premiere on the red carpet. It was only with the intervention of mortified Paramount staff that an FNC camera crew was allowed to be present.

Apparently, no one told Jolie of the highly positive review FOX News had given "A Mighty Heart" from Cannes.

I can understand fine you don't want an outlet there, but banning the Fox affiliates is one the dumbest things she could have done to get back at Fox News. You see what she doesn't realize in most markets Fox affils are the ones that spend the most time on Entertainment news and have more viewers that the Entertainment Shows and Cable Network News channels. So why banish the local markets when you want the locals to go especially when they are the Fox affils I mean look at the affils in your area and tell me who does the  most entertainment? In Miami it is WSVN, in Atlanta it is WAGA, in Tampa WTVT, in LA KTTV and so on… Don't forget it is the little people that go to movies, so don't alienate them.  Plus why alienate the press when you are doing what you are paid for because if you don't do what they want now they are not going to cover every child you adopt or UN meeting you go to. I am over her for this. 

Now I am going to explain to you why I will not do anything on A Mighty Heart after this. Although I have not and will not see the movie, I would assume that movie does not deal with her life post-post the death of her husband. I find it ironic that Angelina Jolie was so strict with the press because Mariane Pearl got very friendly with the press after her husband was murdered. In fact it is rumored (Washington Post) that she got so friendly with a former head of CNN that he left his wife and children for her. Do you think the movie mentions that? 

Photo from INF – BTW doesn't it look like someone from Fox News Channel was able to go to premiere? I mean is it just me or does that look like Geraldo behind her? 


Angelina Jolie needs to eat
June 6th, 2007 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: 1 ]

Seriously look how skinny her arms have become. How does she hold the kids with those things? She really needs to eat because it is taking away from her looks and making her look a lot older then she really is. That and it is gross to be that skinny.

Angelina Jolie opens up about Brad Pitt and their kids
May 10th, 2007 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]


(photo from Tidbits by TJ

Angelina Jolie recently sat down and gave a very revealing interview with Reader's Digest. She opens up about Brad Pitt, their 4 kids and marriage. Here are some of the answers to the questions they asked her, check out Reader's Digest to read the rest. It is a really great interview and just shows how smart she really is and the love she has for Brad and Maddox, Pax, Zahara and Shiloh.

RD: When we last met, you were a single mom with one son. You now have Brad and four kids. What happened?
Jolie: I met this amazing person, and we realized we had very similar views on how we wanted to live our lives. It's happened quickly, with so many children. Yesterday, picking up the kids from school, Brad turned around in the car, and there were three of them. He couldn't stop laughing. We love them and are having a great time.

RD: Was your pregnancy with Shiloh intentional?
Jolie: It was. Before I met Brad, I always said I was happy never to have a child biologically. He told me he hadn't given up that thought. Then, a few months after Z came home, I saw Brad with her and Mad, and I realized how much he loved them, that a biological child would not in any way be a threat. So I said, "I want to try."

RD: Do you want more children?
Jolie: Yeah, yeah. More biological, more adopted.

RD: The gossip is unrelenting. You're fighting, you're jealous, he's going back to Jennifer. Does it get to you?
Jolie: Our first question is what paper is it in. The New York Times? If not, do we really need to worry?

RD: But at the Golden Globes, you seemed in a bad mood, and that was in The New York Times.
Jolie: Yeah. And that was when my mother was about to die. Others have said we were getting married. We are people who want a good newspaper and television report, so when it's lies about us, it makes us wonder what else are they not double-checking.

RD: So have you and Brad thought about getting married?
Jolie: There's no big conspiracy behind our decision not to. We've both been married before. Our focus when we got together was family, and we are legally bound to our children. That really seems to be the most important thing.

RD: You said you wanted a partner who would urge you to be better. Does Brad do that?
Jolie: He encourages the right things. If I've had a full day and just really been a hands-on mom, he'll make a point to let me know that's something he's proud of. If I'm writing an Op-Ed, he's the first person to want to read the drafts. I could be dressed up in the sexiest outfit for a photo shoot, and by his behavior, he'll let me know that's nice, but it's nothing as sexy as when I'm home surrounded by the kids or reading books, educating myself. He slows me down to kind of get it right, to relax into the strength of my family and the love.  


Another precious Brad Pitt and Shiloh moment
May 3rd, 2007 under Brangelina. [ Comments: none ]

The two of them together are just so precious and sweet. And now that her hair is growing in they have the same style. 

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