Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Bradley Cooper
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BTWF talk shows: Bradley Cooper on Inside the Actors Studio
September 28th, 2015 under Before They Were Famous, Bradley Cooper. [ Comments: none ]

Before students were asking Bradley Cooper questions on Inside the Actors Studio, he was the one asking questions. How cute was the 24 year old asking his future co-star Robert De Niro a question back in 1999?


Bradley Cooper was a stud at the Bar Mitzvahs growing up!
September 9th, 2015 under Bradley Cooper, James Corden. [ Comments: none ]

Bradley Cooper was on The Late Late Show yesterday and James Corden asked him if he liked to dance. The Elephant Man says he likes to stomp around on the dance floor, so the CBS late night host asked him to bust a move. After some coaxing, he got up and showed us the popping and locking he did to win the girls over at the Bar Mitzvahs he went to when he was teen. You know what, he would’ve won me over just as much as then as he does now. His sexiness is limitless.
Now when it comes to Corden, he screeched higher than a teenage girl after she saw Cooper dancing at her Bat Mitzvah. What was up with the high octave squeal?


Bradley Cooper plays a pretty mean air guitar
January 6th, 2015 under Bradley Cooper, Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]
Bradley Cooper spent his night off from The Elephant Man and his 40th birthday on The Tonight Show. Jimmy Fallon asked him about his secret musical talent and the American Sniper decided to demonstrate it for all of us to enjoy. Coops told them to play Neil Young’s Down by the River and then he did it. He air guitared the solo like it was nobody’s business. Therefore we can add that to list of the many many things that he can do. Now, can someone tell me what is on the list of things he can’t do?


BTWF roles: Bradley Cooper on Sex and the City
November 19th, 2014 under Before They Were Famous, Bradley Cooper. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at :20 in)

Before Bradley Cooper was dating an older woman on Jack &Bobby, he was Carrie’s cub on Sex and the City. How cute was the 24 year old in that 1999 episode?


Bradley Cooper and Jimmy Fallon have a giggling fit!
October 19th, 2014 under Bradley Cooper, Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]

Bradley Cooper was on The Tonight Show to promote his Broadway drama The Elephant Man, and Jimmy Fallon and him couldn’t stop laughing. No matter how much they tried, they couldn’t stop the giggles. Finally, when they got under control, the NBC late night host said the wrong thing and it started all over again.
Even though not much was said, this is one of the greatest interviews I’ve seen on late night in a while. Who doesn’t like to watch people laugh?
To see the longer version, then click here!


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