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Betty White looking as beautiful as ever!
November 9th, 2016 under Betty White, Bones. [ Comments: 3 ]

Remember when Betty White was on our televisions all the time; but then the evil TV Land cancelled Hot in Cleveland and we haven’t seen her as much recently?
Well Bones brought her back for their final season and the 94 year old looks absolutely amazing. Better than ever!
Thank you David Boreanaz for posting this picture from the set because America needed to see an American Treasure more than we ever did!


Bones most shocking cliffhanger ever!
July 21st, 2016 under Bones. [ Comments: none ]
Tonight at 8p, it is finally time for Bones‘ season finale on Fox and they end it with a major cliffhanger. One so major, it will leave your mouth on the floor.
The Puppeteer has claimed a new victim and the serial killer has transformed her to be like Bones. Meanwhile, Dr Brennan (Emily Deschanel) has been having dreams about their latest murderer. Has she figured out who it is or are they just nightmares?
Bones (David Boreanaz) and Aubrey (John Boyd) think they might’ve caught their guy, but just as they do something happens that changes everything.
Something that will make you really mad at Fox because the procedural doesn’t have a return date as of now. Therefore, we don’t know when we are going to find out what happens next. We will want to know because how they ended it is so good, you are going want to know more and you are going to want to know it now.
Think you have a hint how this season ends? You don’t, but it is something Bones fans will love.


BTWF roles: TJ Thyne for Ford Taurus
April 21st, 2016 under Before They Were Famous, Bones. [ Comments: none ]

Before TJ Thyne was married with a kid on Bones, he was a teen driving his parents’ Ford Taurus. He looks the same now as he did when he was 24 in that 1999 commercial.


BTWF ads: TJ Thyne for Chevy Colorado
April 14th, 2016 under Before They Were Famous, Bones. [ Comments: none ]

Before TJ Thyne was annoying his friends at the Jeffersonian on Bones, he was doing that trapped in Chevy Colorado. He looks the same now as he did when was 29 year old in that 2004 commercial?


Bones is back, but is Hodgins?
April 14th, 2016 under Bones. [ Comments: none ]
When Bones last left off, we found out that Hodgins (TJ Thyne) was paralyzed from the waist down after an explosion. Tonight at 8p, the Fox procedural is back and we find out how he is doing.
The episode starts off 8 weeks later and he is finally being released from the hospital. Even though the doctors told him to take it easy, his first stop is the Jeffersonian. As soon as he gets there, they are working on a case and he insists on helping out. He might think he is ready, but Angela (Michaela Conlin) doesn’t. She believes in following the doctors orders and this causes tension between them.
In fact, he is not the same guy he was before the explosion and everyone feels like they are walking on egg shells around him. How will he handle his new limitations on the job? How will everyone handle working in the tense environment with him? Can Angela and his marriage survive his understandable frustration? Do you have enough tissues to get through the episodes?
The last question is most important for you because you are going to need them. Bones is back in a powerful way and the actors and the writers are really delivering. They could’ve just had Hodgins come back to work in a wheelchair and have everything be OK, but they are not doing that. They are showing the emotional toll it takes on everyone when someone is suddenly left paralyzed. This episode is sad, but next week’s is a real tear jerker. Ones you don’t want to miss.


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