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Which female singer looks better with hairy armpits?
October 5th, 2006 under Better than..., Black Eyed Peas. [ Comments: 1 ]


Sky Showbiz (Juliette Lewis) 

Neither really. 


Who looks better wearing suspenders?
September 29th, 2006 under Better than..., The Jacksons. [ Comments: 4 ]



Kirsten Dunst (TMZ) and Janet Jackson (ICYDK)

I will go with Kirsten on this because she is clothed! 


Which Matt looks better in bicycle shorts?
September 29th, 2006 under Better than.... [ Comments: none ]

TMZ (McConaughey) and (Fox

I am at a LOST for an answer, just joking I am going with Matthew Fox!  


Which TV doctor’s shower scene is steamier?
September 25th, 2006 under Better than..., Shonda Rhimes. [ Comments: none ]

Grey’s Anatomy’s McSteamy’s photo from ICYDK

I will let you know whether I chose Eric Dane or Mario Lopez once I am done with my cold shower! LOL!


Who looks worse peeing in public?
September 22nd, 2006 under Better than..., Unadmirable People. [ Comments: none ]



Defamer for the Steve-O photo (Thanks Michael!) 

Does it really make difference? It is so disgusting and low-class and sad, I just had to post this to share with y’all what lowlifes these two are. And seriously if you are going to pee in public, have some shame on your face and not a freaking smile.


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