I don’t think I’ll watch Ferris Bueller the same way again |
March 15th, 2012 under Bad Look. [ Comments: none ]

Earlier in the week I posted a picture of Mathew Broderick with a thin mustache and now we know why he did. He is working on a show called Nice Work If You Can Get It, and I am not sure that is the case. Seriously after seeing these pictures, it is going to take me a while to watch Ferris Bueller’s Day Off the same way again. I mean could you ever imagine Ferris doing the stuff that Broderick is doing in these photos? Cameron maybe, but not Ferris.
Is Nick Nolte wearing a robe on the red carpet? |
January 27th, 2012 under Bad Look. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Pictures
Nick Nolte attended a special screening for his new show Luck on HBO and to me it looked like he was wearing a robe and his PJs. Seriously doesn’t it look like he just got of bed and went straight from his Vegas hotel room to the premiere without changing? Maybe he is starting a new trend, the ultimate casual.
Minnie Driver’s dress doesn’t fit right |
February 15th, 2011 under Bad Look. [ Comments: none ]

I don’t know if Minnie Driver was dressing like Minnie Mouse for the Elle Style awards, but to me it looks like that dress is a little to small for her. Not only that why is the skirt ruffle shorter on one side than the other. If that dress was a little longer or looser on her, it might look better on. But as it is now, it looks like she is wearing a girl’s baby doll dress on woman who is too tall for it.
Julianne Moore wears a sideways dress |
November 4th, 2010 under Bad Look, Julianne Moore. [ Comments: 1 ]

Last week Julianne Moore wore two half dresses as one and this week she wore a suit dress that instead of opening in the front it opens to the side. I don’t know who is telling her these looks work for her, but they need a promotion because it is giving me something to post. Seriously can these dress be any fuglier and less flattering?
Julianne Moore wear two half dresses as one |
October 26th, 2010 under Bad Look, Julianne Moore. [ Comments: none ]

Don’t you hate when you are going out and there are two dresses you want to wear, but you can’t decide which one to go out in? Well Julianne Moore looks to have come up with a solution by cutting both dresses in half and wearing them as one dress. While the idea might have worked in her head, it didn’t work on the red carpet. She reminds me as one of the performers who dresses up as a half man/half woman, you know one side in gown and the other in tux? It doesn’t work for them and it certainly didn’t work for her. I might’ve bought it more if she wore hair different on one side and two different shoes, but since she didn’t the head-to-toe look gets a major fail.
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