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Sour pusses!
August 25th, 2016 under Babies. [ Comments: none ]
It is one of the last Thursday’s of the Summer and that can turn anyone into a sour puss. But you know what really does that? Eating something sour. The way your whole body contorts as the flavor touches your tongue. We know that feeling all so well. So well, we try not to experience that feeling too often.
But when you are a kid, you don’t know that. Your parents know that, but since you’ve never experienced it how would you know? You wouldn’t. Therefore, to the people who are raising you, it is a lot of fun to see their kids experience that mouth wrenching moment for the first time. Why should they be the only ones who get to see that? They shouldn’t be, so that is why they record it and share it online. Then a place like Kyoot Kids makes a compilation video of it for you to enjoy.
Now one of the last Thursday’s of the Summer doesn’t seem so bad.


This kid is as happy as a pig in mud trying bacon for the first time!
December 29th, 2015 under Babies. [ Comments: 1 ]

Melissa Beach decided to her let son try bacon for the first time on Christmas and Easton’s reaction is priceless. He couldn’t contain his excitement, and we can’t contain ours watching him. Granted, I still have that same reaction every time I eat bacon! What is it about that stuff that makes it taste so yummy?


What a sweet way to find out your wife has a bun in the over!
October 2nd, 2015 under Babies. [ Comments: 1 ]

Dana Griffin-Graves and her husband Arkell have been trying to have a baby since they got married almost 17 years ago. The couple suffered four miscarriages and a stillbirth, so they gave up hope and trying.
Dana has been putting on weight recently, so she went to her doctor to find out why. The doctor told that she is almost 5 months pregnant, and now she wanted to find a creative way to tell her husband that she is going to have his baby according to WRIC.
She put some buns in the oven with the sonogram photos and a card that reads, “Baby’s First Photo!” Not expecting the news that his wife is expecting, he stood there in shock. Until she told him she is having a boy, then he covered his face and started crying tears of joy. Not only for himself, but for his wife too.
I hope that the sweet couple share a video with us when their pride and joy is born in February. Can you imagine the tears of joy that Arkell will be crying when that happens!


Bristol Palin is pregnant again and still unmarried
June 25th, 2015 under Babies. [ Comments: none ]

Ha ha!
Holier than thou Bristol Palin announced today that she is pregnant with her second child out of wedlock. Even though she has been preaching abstinence-only, she obviously hasn’t practiced what she preaches.
Just a month after she called off her engagement, she let us know she didn’t wait until her wedding night to have sex.
Who’s the daddy she didn’t say. What did she say? To read what she wrote, then click here!


Pop! Goes Scott Porter’s heart!
May 25th, 2015 under Babies, Scott Porter. [ Comments: none ]

Scott Porter scored a huge touchdown this weekend when his wife gave birth to their son. McCoy Lee Porter was born on Saturday with the following stats 8 lbs, 5 oz., 20.5 inches and 32cm Cranium; and by Sunday the blue-eyed cutie made all of our harts, I mean hearts, go pop. Just when you think that the Friday Night Lights star couldn’t get any hotter, he shares a photo of himself holding his precious game changer. So much so it’s making me miss Hart of Dixie even more.


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