Adam Lambert and his boyfriend Sauli Koskinen were arrested in Finland after getting fight at a popular gay bar. According to The Hollywood Reporter the brawl started in the club and then continued outside after they were kicked out. After the two were questioned they were release and then the American Idol runner-up Tweeted about it. He said, "Jetlag+Vodka=blackout. Us÷blackout=irrational confusion. jail+guilt+press=lesson learned. Sauli+Adam+hangover burgers= laughing bout it. :)" I wonder if the Finnish police are laughing about his Tweet as much as he is?
BTW Adam's boyfriend won the Finnish version of Big Brother, maybe the production company will give the two of them their own reality show over there to see what other trouble they will get into together? The lives of those crazy reality show stars…
Yesterday on The X Factor Nicole Scherzinger sang her song Pretty on the show. When it was done Steve Jones asked Simon Cowell what he thought of it and since he was sitting in her seat, he had some pretty words for her. He said, “I believe in you, you believe in me. You transcend the universe, G-d is smiling on you. Life is a waterfall, and you are the ultimate rainbow!” She didn’t get that he was being sarcastic and told him that what he said was beautiful. But let’s be real, he was him totally getting his revenge on her for all the stupid things she has said and done this season on the Fox show.
Simon Cowell Tweeted the above picture and said, “Everyone is laughing at my new car. But I love it and it glows in the dark!” Not only am I laughing at him like the other people, I really want to know how he fit his huge ego in it. Maybe his Smart car is like a clown car, you don’t know how they got all of those clowns in their but somehow they did.
On Thursday there was a shocking elimination on The X Factor when an indecisive Nicole Scherzinger left it up to the popular vote to decide who would go home. Eliminated was 13 year old Rachel Crow, who broke down in tears when Steve Jones read her name aloud. She was not alone because Nicole Scherzinger did the same. In fact the judge was still inconsolable when the show wrapped for the night and the teenager had to go into her dressing room to calm her down. That’s right the little girl was more mature than the woman who is 20 years her senior. To me that is sad.
That is not the only thing I thought was sad about what happened, it was disgusting how Steve Jones pushed that boy away who was trying to comfort his fellow contestant. He told the guy to get off the stage because he was safe. Seriously WTF? Steve Jones then continued on with the show like there wasn’t a little girl on the floor balling. He also asked Nicole how she felt about the elimination and turned her back to the camera. Seriously it is actions like Jones’ that give the English reputation for being cold. They are not but that is what does it.
Now when it comes to Rachel Crow and Astro, I think that they are too young to compete on a national show like The X Factor. It is obvious by how they reacted when they were in the bottom two and/or eliminated. Kids need to be kids and not competing for $5 million dollars. Yes there are kids who are acting and such, but when they don’t get the job it is in the privacy of their own home and not in front of millions of viewers. They are too young to handle that pressure.
Hopefully next year Fox will change things up for the show like making the minimum auditioning age older and getting rid of Steve Jones, Nicole Scherzinger and LA Reid. You know Simon Cowell regrets firing Cheryl Cole for Scherzinger. When it comes to LA Reid, where was he when Rachel was eliminated? Paula and Simon were there and the Randy Jackson lookalike was no where to be found.
Here is the shocking elimination from The X Factor, and it reconfirms why I opted not to watch the Fox show.
Somewhere I missed/forgot the memo that Matt Lauer is leaving the Today Show at the end of the contract a year from now, but I guess he might be because The Hollywood Reporter says that Ryan Seacrest has been having meetings about possibly replacing him. While all sides are remaining quiet for now, lots of people are confirming to the trade that they are happening.
I love Seacrest as the host of American Idol and think he can do a good interview, but I am not sure he is cut up to do hard news. We know he knows entertainment and sports (yes sports), but how much does the guy who never sleeps because he is working 24/7 know about hard news? What would he do in a breaking news situation when all the news is about real news and not featurey? When he can prove to me that he can do that then I say he would be great for the job, but for now I think they need to keep looking.
Oh and if he takes on Lauer’s job, does this mean this will be his last year on Idol? If so, the show is in major trouble because no one ca replace the frosted tipped guy.