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Aerosmith cancel two concerts because Steven Tyler is ill
December 5th, 2022 under Aerosmith. [ Comments: none ]

Aerosmith announced on Saturday that they were cancelling that night’s show in Las Vegas “due to Steven [Tyler] feeling unwell and unable to perform.” Then, they added that tonight’s concert would go as planned.

But things changed, “Steven Tyler said ‘on the advice of my doctor, I’m taking more time to rest… there is nowhere we’d rather be than on stage surrounded by the greatest fans in the world..’”

Their next concert is on Thursday, so hopefully, Tyler is feeling better by then.


Caption Steven Tyler!
July 21st, 2022 under Aerosmith, Caption the Celeb. [ Comments: none ]

This photo of Steven Tyler has “caption me” written all over it, so go ahead and do it.


Steven Tyler enters rehab for relapse
May 24th, 2022 under Aerosmith. [ Comments: none ]

Steven Tyler has had problems with addiction for many decades, but he has been sober for a while. However, he recently had a relapse, so he is getting the help he needs. Because of that, Aerosmith announced today that they will be cancelling the first part of their Las Vegas residency that was supposed to start next month and continue through until July.

“As many of you know, our beloved brother Steven has worked on his sobriety for many years. After foot surgery to prepare for the stage and the necessity of pain management during the process, he has recently relapsed and voluntarily entered a treatment program to concentrate on his health and recovery,” Aerosmith said in a statement. “Thank you for your understanding and for your support for Steven during this time.”

Hopefully, now that he is on the road to recovery, he will be able to be back on the touring road soon, much to the delight of his fans.


Aerosmith wants us to stop messing around
March 17th, 2020 under Aerosmith, Coronavirus. [ Comments: none ]
Steven Tyler is a very touchy-feely guy, but that is not something we should be doing now, according to CDC. Therefore, he released PSA telling us to do as he says and not as he does. In other words, Stop Messing Around as Aerosmith’s song tells us to do.

Especially, since the band members are in the high-risk group for the Coronavirus. Then again, if drugs couldn’t get them, I doubt (and pray) this can either.


Steven Tyler, dude looks like a man
December 18th, 2019 under Aerosmith. [ Comments: none ]

Steven Tyler posed for Haute Living and he is looking hot. Hot as in steamy. Not because of the steam coming from the hot shower. It is because the 71-year-old is making my glasses steam up.

If that is what senior citizens look like naked, then I want a sugar daddy!


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