Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling
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Tori doing Broadway?
July 17th, 2006 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling, Stage. [ Comments: none ]

I’ve always defended Tori Spelling, I have. I’ve always said she had a flair for comedy, especially physical comedy. But even I am terrified by Variety’s report that the Beverly Hills, 90210 grad is in talks to join the cast of Broadway’s Chicago. What next — Shannen Doherty as Velma opposite Tori’s Roxie? Actually, I may be onto something there….

TV Guide 

I wonder if she will be doing it the same time as Usher. I think it is time to bring the curtain down on Chicago because they will take anyone these days. 


Some info on Aaron Spelling’s will?
July 14th, 2006 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling. [ Comments: none ]

ET has obtained and reported a probate filing on behalf of deceased producer AARON SPELLING, which includes the final will and testament of the prolific Hollywood mogul.The court papers name his wife CANDY as the executor of the will. Daughter TORI SPELLING is named in the will, as well as his son RANDY and brother DANIEL . Tori and estranged mother Candy have been engaged in a very public war of words over the past month, with Candy most recently responding to Tori’s claims that she found out about her father’s passing through a e-mail message from a friend and not from her family. Candy released the following statement to ET. "We are deeply saddened that, during our time of loss and grief, we are forced to respond to the media frenzy caused by the mean-spirited and surprising comments made by Tori to the press, just two days after the passing of [Aaron Spelling]. As we try to honor his memory with love and respect, the sudden media frenzy she has created at this sensitive time is hurtful and very disturbing. Aaron’s legacy deserved pure and unadulterated tribute and recognition which, sadly, has been tainted."Everyone deals with grief in a different way, and since Tori chose not to be here at that time, we believe she is having a harder time dealing with that loss. We understand how difficult it might have been for her to be here, and, perhaps, more difficult for her after she arrived. Aaron loved both his children with all his heart, and he understood how hard it was for her. "We hope Aaron will be remembered with reverence and spirit for the monumental legacy he has left and not for the petty and tabloid headlines which have marred his articles of remembrance. We have mourned our great loss as a family and will continue to do so as that is what Aaron deserved."
Spelling’s estate is left to a trust, indicating details on the division of his massive fortune will likely remain confidential.

Entertainment Tonight 



The Fonz and the original Charlie’s Angels?
July 12th, 2006 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling, Henry Winkler. [ Comments: none ]

Access is ready for one heavenly reunion.
After 25 years off the air – and with a combined age of 176 – the ladies of "Charlie’s Angels" could be getting back together.With a little help from the Fonz!
Thirty years after it aired,"Charlie’s Angels" lives on. And according to USA Today, Henry Winkler is working his "Fonzy" skills to woo the original "Angels" triple threat: Farrah Fawcett, Kate Jackson and Jaclyn Smith to swoop onto screens once again for an ABC retrospective special. But getting the winged ones to agree is another story. "Little kids come up to me, I’d say from 7 to 12, and I’m like, how do they know me?" Farrah laughed. Fawcett, now 59, and perhaps the most famous "Angel" after only one season on the show as Jill Monroe, has yet to commit. While Kate, 57, who played brainy Sabrina Duncan, has "issues" with participating.
But what about our Kelly, the idol of brunette girls everywhere during the show’s heyday? She’s embracing the reunion with open wings.Jaclyn, 60, said she would be happy to participate. "It’s a compliment to our show that we’re still talking about it," Jaclyn said.

Access Hollywood 

For anyone who saw the made-for-TV-movie about Charlie’s Angels’s, it should not be suprising why Kate Jackson is saying no. If you haven’t seen the movie, don’t! 


Wonder if Tori will see any of the money from the sale?
July 5th, 2006 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling. [ Comments: none ]


TMZ has learned that Candy Spelling, Aaron’s widow, has quietly put the Spellings’ legendary mansion on the market for $150 million.

Sources in the real estate industry say Westside Estate Agency (WEA)  has a pocket listing on the 56,000 square foot estate, meaning it is is quietly being shopped among realtors and select buyers.  The mansion, located in the exclusive Holmby Hills area of L.A., was completed in 1991 for around $47 million, which includes $10 million for the land.

One real estate source says Candy Spelling has let a lot of people on the staff go and that the buzz is that she is going to shut the house down so it can be shown by realtors.  Aaron Spelling died on June 23. 


Man is it just me or does it seem like Candy could not wait for him to die so she could get the inheritance? 


Update on the Spellings
June 26th, 2006 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling. [ Comments: none ]

"This is not Dynasty."

So said Aaron Spelling scion Randy, dismissing speculation that the TV titan’s family was torn by Carrington-sized grievances even as it grieved.

Patriarch Aaron Spelling, the prodigious producer of hits such as Charlie’s Angels, Beverly Hills 90210, 7th Heaven, and the backbiting family soap opera that was Dynasty, died Friday at the age of 83.

A private family service was held Sunday.

"This is a real family [that] loves each other," Randy Spelling said through longtime Aaron Spelling publicist Kevin Sasaki, per the Los Angeles Times.

Among those present and accounted for at the service: Tori Spelling and her new husband, actor Dean McDermott.

Early reports, based on information from Spelling’s longtime publicist, said wife Candy and son Randy, but not daughter Tori, were at Spelling’s bedside when the show-biz legend died. The news seemed to confirm reports of a family feud. But, as it turned out, Randy Spelling was not at his father’s side, either. (The son was en route, Spelling’s publicist later clarified.)

In the end, Tori Spelling herself all but confirmed the family-feud angle, albeit with a heartfelt spin. In a statement over the weekend, Tori Spelling said she and her famed father and former 90210 employer had recently reconciled.

"I am honored to be Aaron Spelling’s daughter," the actress said. "He had a heart that was as big as his talent."

Among the non-Spellings paying tribute to the producer was Alyssa Milano, of Spelling’s just-ended Charmed. Like Spelling’s more charitable critics, Milano praised the producer for "always ha[ving] his finger on the pulse of pop culture."

"He was one of the most loyal men in this business," Milano said in a statement, "and believed in me at a time in my career when no one else would."

Original Charlie’s Angels star Jaclyn Smith called her onetime boss a "dear friend and a truly genuine human being."

Stephen Collins, of Spelling’s still-running 7th Heaven, remembered the legend as a man. In a statement, Collins said Spelling was "was quiet, soft-spoken, gentlemanly, shy, and loved actors, having started as one himself."

A memorial service for Spelling’s Hollywood colleagues will be held in the coming weeks, the family said.

Also on the horizon, as reportedly promised by the ex-wife of Dean McDermott, a new book to be titled, My Husband Left Me for Tori Spelling.

Maybe things are just a little bit like Dynasty

E! Online 



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