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Tori Spelling talks about her mom and her not talking
April 13th, 2009 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from WireImage)

Tori Spelling has a new book out, so that means she is talking about her mom again. Here is what she told People about her relationship with her mom.

“It’s not like we’re not talking, we just haven’t talked,” the actress, whose new book, Mommywood, hits bookstores Tuesday, tells PEOPLE in an exclusive interview. “I love my mother. I’ve always loved her [and] no doubt she loves me. There’s no feud. We simply never meshed.”
As for what happened between them, Tori, 35, simply says, “My mother is who she is. I’ve become who I am. At some point I realized those two just didn’t go together.”

It is so sad that a mother and daughter don’t get along like that.
Tori also responded to claims that her mother has never met her granddaughter Stella:

“I, in no way, cut her off. She is welcome to make the effort if she wants to be present in their lives,” says the 90210 actress, noting the last contact with her mother was an email Tori sent while pregnant with Stella. “She knows how to reach me, she knows where we live. If she would love to see her grandchildren, she should really make an effort to reach out and see them.”

Hopefully Candy will make the effort to get to know her grandchildren. I just don’t understand how a mother and a daughter can’t get along like that and take to the media to say that they don’t.

SOW note: I try not to get too personal on my blog. But I personally think that Tori and Candy need to get over the problems that they have with each other. I would do anything to tell my mother that “I love her” one more time, but I can’t because she is no longer here for me to do so. And here are Tori and Candy spending more of an effort talking about their relationship in their books and to the media than they do with each other. Maybe if they spent as much time talking to each other as they to do the press, they would have worked things out by now. While I don’t know their situation and it is not my place to judge, I just know you have only one mother, and Candy has only one daughter and I hope that neither of them should ever wake up and realize it is too late to make a difference. I am thankful that my last conversation with my mother was “I love you”, and I wish that on everyone. But I don’t wish the loss on anyone. Sorry to be on a soap box, but this story really got me thinking about my mom and how lucky I was to have had the relationship that I had with her! I miss and love you mom! OK! Next post will be a funny one for you the readers and me!!!

UPDATE: Candy Spelling wrote a letter to Tori on her website asking her to contact her because she says she has tried to contact Tori, but Tori is ignoring her communications.


Tori Spelling doing 2 CW shows
January 8th, 2009 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling, Beverly Hills 90210 / Melrose Place. [ Comments: none ]

Finally the deal is done and Tori Spelling is going to reprise her role as Donna Martin on The CW's 90210 according to Watch With Kristin! It is not sure what she will do, but she will appear towards end of the season. I can't wait to see what they will Donna! Wouldn't it be fun if they made her slut
Besides doing 90210, she is also going to be back on Smallville in March as Linda Lake. In fact I hear she is in Canada now filming that episode.

Christmas at the Spelling/McDermotts!
December 22nd, 2008 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling. [ Comments: 2 ]

Tori Spelling opened up to Life & Style Magazine how Dean McDermott and her will help Stella Doreen spend her first Christmas.
“We’ll have a family morning at home opening presents. Stella’s ready for some learning toys, so we might get her an activity gym for the floor and a bouncer.”
Little Stella will of course get dresses! BTW as we know Liam's nickname is Monkey, from this article we learned that Stella's is Ladybug.
You can learn how other celebs' newborns will be spending their Christmases in this week's Life & Style out now!

A Spelling/McDermott Christmas card!
December 16th, 2008 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling. [ Comments: 1 ]

Well it isn't exactly their Christmas card, but Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott could definitely use that picture of them with Liam and Stella as one…don't you think?

The McDermott/Spelling Family
September 10th, 2008 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling. [ Comments: none ]

How cute are Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott having a picnic with Liam and Stella. They better calm down that kissing or they might have a third child before they know it. 

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