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Remember Toni Basil?
August 22nd, 2007 under 80s, Whatever happened to.... [ Comments: 1 ]

For those of you who might not the name, she is the woman who sang Mickey as in Oh Mickey, You're So Fine You Blow My Mind, Oh Mickey, Toni Basil. So what is she up to now she is choreographing Bette Midler's new show in Vegas according to Norm Clarke. Believe it or not she is 63 years and she looks amazing, I need to know her secret!!! 

Is Tom Hanks getting ready for Forrest Gump 2?
August 14th, 2007 under 80s. [ Comments: 1 ]

Seriously he looks more like Forrest Gump than he does Kip Wilson. What happened to that cute guy who tempted Meg Ryan more than once? Now he looks like a High School Physics teacher or Forrest Gump at 50ish. 

Taxi’s Reverend Jim Ignatowski
July 28th, 2007 under 80s. [ Comments: none ]

I so love seeing Christopher Lloyd with a Taxi, I just had to post it! I loved this show, I wish someone show it in repeats! What does a yellow light mean? 

Matt Dillon stinks…literally
June 19th, 2007 under 80s. [ Comments: 1 ]

People who went to the Entourage are talking about how much the party stunk the other night and the cause of the stench was Matt Dillon according to The Sun.  One of the partygoers said, “His body odour was so rank it almost made me gag. It was definitely him. As soon as he raised his arm to put it around my shoulder I was unfortunate to be face level with his stinky pit. Ooof.” Ewwww. I never understand in this day and age how people can go out without deodorant. I have a friend who showers everyday, but doesn't use deodorant and man it is not a pretty smell. I wish I could say something to her, but how to broach the subject? 

BTW here is an old list of Hollywood's smelliest celebs which some day will include Matt Dillon:

#1. Brad Pitt
#2. Russell Crowe
#3. Hayden Christensen
#4. David Bowie
#5. Courtney Cox
#6. Robin Williams
#7. Christina Aguillera
#8. Cameron Diaz
#9. Metallica
#10. Bob Dylan
The only one not on there that is rumored to smell is Sting.


Remember Samantha Fox?
June 19th, 2007 under 80s. [ Comments: none ]

via Gossiplist
That interview with her is so weird, I wish we get more interviews like that over in the States because they are fun!


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