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Andrew Koenig aka Boner is missing
February 21st, 2010 under 80s. [ Comments: none ]

Andrew Koenig who is best known for playing Boner on Growing Pains is missing and his family and his friends are desperately looking for him. According to his friend Jenny Magenta’s Facebook, he was staying with her in Vancouver and was suppose to be on a plane back to LA on February 16th. His parents called her to let her know that he was not on that flight and they have been looking for him ever since. There are rumors that he was last seen in the Stanley Park area, but that has not been confirmed. If you see him, please contact Detective Raymond Payette and his phone is 604-717-2534 and provide the information you have.
There are reports that he was suffering from depression, so let’s all pray that he is found safe and sound very soon.


Meredith Baxter comes out
December 2nd, 2009 under 80s. [ Comments: 2 ]

Meredith Baxter who is best know for playing Elise Keaton on Family Ties, came out to Matt Lauer on The Today Show this morning. Earlier this week one of the tabloids had a story about her being on lesbian cruise and then one of the paparazzi agencies had pictures of her with her partner, so she decided to come out before they outed her.
She told him she only realized that she was a lesbian 7 years ago, but once she did everything made sense. She also said everyone in her family and on Family Ties has been really supportive of her.
So why did it take so long for her to come out? She said she was a very private person and even doing the interview made her feel like she wanted to die. Well now she is going to have to used being used to being a public person for a while because you know the paps won’t leave her alone.


Help John Mellencamp quit smoking!
December 1st, 2009 under 80s, John Mellencamp. [ Comments: none ]

John Mellencamp’s son wants him to quit smoking so much so that he started a Facebook group to get him to do it. Speck Mellencamp, 14, made a deal with his dad that he if got 1,000,000 people to join the group that his dad would quit smoking. John suffered a heart attack 15 years ago and quitting smoking would really prolong his life. Heck even if he didn’t have a heart attack quitting smoking will greatly extend his life.
I have seen John Mellencamp in concert a few times and he is one of the best performers out there, so I am being completely selfish and I want him to quit smoking just so I can see him a few times more.
As a former smoker, I know quitting isn’t easy but it is the best thing I ever did. So please become a fan of Speck’s group 1,000,000 to join, my dad john mellencamp will quit smoking and let’s get John Mellencamp to stop lighting up!


a-ha call it quits
October 15th, 2009 under 80s. [ Comments: 4 ]

a-ha announced on their site that they will be calling quits after a farewell tour next year…:(

The band would like to thank their fans and everyone who has contributed to their amazing journey, and say:
‘We’ve literally lived the ultimate boy’s adventure tale, through a longer, more rewarding career than anyone could hope for.
Doing this now will give us a chance to get more involved in other meaningful aspects of life, be it humanitarian work, politics, or whatever else – and of course through new constellations in the field of art and music. We are retiring as a band, not as individuals.
Change is always difficult and It is easy to get set in one’s ways. Now it is time to move on.’

Tickets will go on sale tomorrow for their world tour tomorrow and I really hope they are coming to The States because I would love to see live before their band is dead. The trio were together for over 25 years which is a really good run for any band! So I guess you can say not did they Take On Me, they Took on the World too in all that time!


Soleil Moon Frye gets her Punky Brunkster on!
September 2nd, 2009 under 80s, Soleil Moon Frye. [ Comments: 1 ]

via Popwrap
In honor reaching 1 million followers on Twitter, Soleil Moon Frye dressed up as Punky Brewster, the character she is most famous for. You know what with the wig and the clothes she looks exactly as she did when she played Punky Brewster as a wee one, but taller.
BTW I wonder if her husband made her keep the costume on for some bedroom play afterwards. After all she was in a celebrating mood!


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