Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Candy Spelling blames Tori for Aaron’s death
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[ # ] Candy Spelling blames Tori for Aaron’s death
May 31st, 2009 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling

(photo from WireImage)

In what seems to be Candy Spelling’s lowest blow to date towards her daughter Tori, she told 94.7 WMAS that Tori is responsible for the death of Aaron Spelling.

“My daughter one day decided that she wasn’t speaking to my husband, myself and my son and that’s how it’s continued for the last, oh gosh, four or five years.” She added, “And it was sad, that’s what killed my husband actually. He just didn’t want to live after that. He has just done everything he could possibly do for his daughter and she wanted no part of him once he couldn’t do anything for her.”

When I read the comments on some sites, I thought she was misquoted but you can hear say those exact words come out of her mouth in the 94.7 WMAS interview.
I am flabbergasted that someone can say that about their own child in the media like that. To me a statement like that is like a dagger in the heart. I can’t even imagine what would possess her to say that in public like that. If I were Tori, I am not sure I could forgive her for saying that. Could you?


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