Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Brolin, James Brolin was almost Bond, James Bond
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[ # ] Brolin, James Brolin was almost Bond, James Bond
July 5th, 2019 under James Bond, Josh Brolin

Back in the early ’80s, Roger Moore said he was done playing 007. Therefore, the producers started to look for a replacement. They auditioned several leading men and one of them was James Brolin.

I guess you can say he stirred them the right way because they offered him the role. In fact, they told him to go home to the States and pack for a year of filming in London. He told This Morning today, as he was doing so, Moore decided to reprise his role as Bond, James Bond in Octopussy.

Which means he never got to play the International Spy. As we know the Marcus Welby star is an American, so what type of accent was he going to use? He says that he was going to use an intercontinental one and not a British accent. I guess they did not want another Dick Van Dyke on their hands.

How did he feel when he heard that Moore was going back for more? The actor said, “I am a fatalist in a way. I just went OK.” Then he added, “But I look back and I think it would have been a great thing.” It would have been the role of a lifetime.

Hearing that he was almost cast, proves that Bond does not have to be a white Brit. Anyone can play the legendary role, as long as they play it well.

Brolin also talked about his son Josh and his children with Barbra Streisand. The proud pop revealed that his son was bullied in school because of his dad’s career. Therefore, he did not want to go into show business. Then, one summer he came to LA to spend some time with his pops and said he wanted to be an actor. Within no time he landed a job in a little movie called Goonies. The rest is Hollywood history.

Wait he has kids with Babs? Yes, he does. Four to be exact and they all walk on four legs. As you know they cloned her dog. What the couple was not expecting is that they when the furbaby was born, there would be multiple ones. They decided to keep three and give away the fourth. He also thinks cloning will become more popular in the future. I do not know how I feel about that.

What I do know is that Brolin, James Brolin would have been a good Bond. To see his screen test, then


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