Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Britney Spears and Kevin Federline reach a divorce settlement.
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[ # ] Britney Spears and Kevin Federline reach a divorce settlement.
March 29th, 2007 under Britney Spears/KFed, Divorce

I guess all the rumors that Britney Spears and Kevin Federline were getting back together are just that. The two met up with their lawyers today to discuss an agreement on their divorce including custody of their two boys, Sean Preston and Jayden James. Entertainment Tonight has this statement from his lawyer Mark Vincent Kaplan, "After five hours and a four-way session with Kevin Federline, his lawyer Mark Vincent Kaplan and his partner, JIM SIMON, along with Britney Spears and her attorney LAURA WASSER, signed an agreement which was a global settlement on all issues of their marriage. At one point Kevin went down for a smoke and Britney followed him outside. They had a 15 minute conversation. Then they went back upstairs." Britney's attorney did not confirm or deny the statement. 

According to TMZ, K-Fed only got around $1 million dollars from the settlement because Britney's lawyer Laura Wasser had him sign an airtight prenup. But the bigger news is that they both will share physical custody of the boys, 50/50.  

The two are waiting for the Judge to sign the paperwork and then they will be officially divorced. Am I the only feeling it is a sad day in Hollywood because these two are divorced?


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