Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Bones does Halloween tonight on Fox at 8p
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[ # ] Bones does Halloween tonight on Fox at 8p
October 30th, 2007 under Bones, Halloween, Reviews

After 3 seasons Bones finally gets its first Halloween episode on Fox tonight at 8p. You would think a show all about dead bodies would have had one already, but it good things come to those wait. Tonight's spooktacular episode opens up with a mummified body dressed up as a mummy being discovered in a haunted maze. The discoveries don't stop there as another teen mummified girl is found in a near-by Haunted House. After the 2 bodies are found a couple thinks that one of them might be their daughter who has been missing a week. When the team tells them that one body has been dead a year and the other two years Brennan and Booth realize that they are on race to find the missing girl before she becomes next years mummified mummy. Will they find the girl in time and still make it to Jeffersonian Halloween party?
This episode so had me guessing until the end, I had no idea who was the killer. Unlike other procedural shows, I find this one the lease predictable. So tune into Bones tonight at 8p on Fox!

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