Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Bill & Ted’s most excellent speech to the graduating seniors of San Dimas High
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[ # ] Bill & Ted’s most excellent speech to the graduating seniors of San Dimas High
June 3rd, 2020 under Keanu Reeves

Graduations all over the world have been canceled because of the coronavirus pandemic, including the one at San Dimas High School. Just like many schools, they found a viral way around it.

SDHS put their graduation on YouTube, and it includes a speech from their most famous alumni. Of course, I am talking about Bill S. Preston, Esq. and Ted Theodore Logan, who were part of the class of 1989. You might know them better as Wyld Stallyns.

Alex Winter started off with, “We know it’s a tough time right now and that you’re having to do this virtual graduation. We want to wish you the best of luck moving forward.”

Then Keanu Reeves said, “Yeah, congratulations to the graduating class of 2020. Well done!”

Winters acknowledged, “San Dimas High School football does rule.” And Reeves chanted back, “Rules!”

Winter added, “But most importantly, we wanted to tell you to be excellent to each other.”

While Reeves concluded with their mantra, “And party on!”

And party on they will do when Bill & Ted Face The Music comes out at some point.

I don’t know who made this happen, but I have two words for you, and they are, “Thank you!”


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