Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Beyonce was photoshopped into the Lion King group photo
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[ # ] Beyonce was photoshopped into the Lion King group photo
July 23rd, 2019 under Beyoncé, Stephen Colbert

Disney released a group photo of the cast of The Lion King and people wondered if Beyonce was photoshopped into it. Yesterday, when John Oliver was on The Late Show, Stephen Colbert asked him just that.

Oliver admitted, “She wasn’t there…I think almost everybody else was there.” He then revealed that there was a piece of tape on the floor where she was supposed to be.

Even though she was not there physically, her presence was still felt. In fact, Oliver said he was intimidated by her and you can see it on his face.

I wonder why she was not there? Did she think she was better than everyone else? Things that make you go hmmm…


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