Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Ashton Kutcher loses two and a half inches!!!
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[ # ] Ashton Kutcher loses two and a half inches!!!
January 11th, 2012 under Ashton Kutcher, Chuck Lorre

Ashton Kutcher faced a room full of critics for the first time since he joined Two and a Half Men and he really cleaned up for the encounter. The actor finally got a much needed haircut and shaved off his scraggly beard. As soon as he walked out everyone looked up and wanted to know why. So I asked him what the new look was about and he said “It’s related to the show completely.” Show creator Chuck Lorre then added that will we see the dramatic makeover during Monday’s episode on CBS at 9p and “It’s an interesting story.”
He is not the only one with a new hairdo, red head Holland Taylor is sporting gray locks. During the panel Jon Cryer said she just Tweeted a picture with Hillary Clinton and when I saw that picture on her Facebook page I was surprised to see her with the new hair color. I am not sure why she has a new look, but I think the actress looks beautiful either way.
UPDATE: Holland Taylor does not have a new hair color. She Tweeted me this when I asked her about it, “…it’s a wig…am playing the GREAT ANN RICHARDS at @kencen. Hence, the Secretary of State’s visit.”


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