Burger King wants to murder the competition in the late night business so they are using horror icons to sell us on it.
Geek Tyrant spoke with the advertising agency that came up with these bloody brilliant ads, and this is why they did it “Thomas and Kris came up with the following campaign showing the villains of the night that we know all to well, enjoying their favourite meal after a umm night out. The ads were shot in South Africa and Dubai by French photographer Ben Dauchez and retouched by Thomas himself. A job well done! The series comprises of four ads which will run in press and outdoor.” I freaking love these ads because I love all of those horror movies and Jason Vorhees from Friday the 13th, Freddy Krueger from Nightmare on Elm Street and Chucky from Child’s Play! Hopefully Burger King will order some more ads because we are missing Leatherface from Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Michael Myers from Halloween, Pinhead from Hellraiser and Jigsaw from Saw. Seriously don’t the ads look gorgeous? They really did a great job with the way they photographed and re-touched them.
BTW I think Burger King should’ve used the Burger King King in these advertisements because I have had more nightmares due to him than all of those horror legends put together. He is the creepiest one of them all!