Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Anti-vaxxer Kristy Swanson is hospitalized and on Oxygen with COVID-19
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[ # ] Anti-vaxxer Kristy Swanson is hospitalized and on Oxygen with COVID-19
November 1st, 2021 under Coronavirus

Kristy Swanson has been tweeting that she doesn’t want the COVID-19 vaccine and that no one should wear masks throughout all of the pandemic. Today, she tweeted what happens when you don’t want those things.

“🙏🏼 Prayers for me please. Yesterday I took an ambulance ride to the hospital. I’m still here with pneumonia, I’m on oxygen etc, all covid related of course. I’m in good spirits and in great hands. ❤️🙏🏼”

The only people I am praying for are the people who are taking care of her. I hope they don’t get coronavirus from her because of her stupidity.

It is funny how these COVIDiots suddenly believe in medicine when they get it. However, before then they listen to social media. I am surprised with her horse face she didn’t take ivermectin.

Maybe she did. She says she was almost done with COVID when it got into her lungs. She shared that she is being treated with “Baricitinib & blood thinners so I don’t clot.” None of those things are what Fox news has been hocking on its viewers.

It will be interesting to see if she changes her tune about the vaccine when she gets out of the hospital, but I highly doubt it. Or should I say if she gets out? Let’s be honest, there is a chance she won’t. I don’t wish that on anybody, but it is a reality.

If only she got the vaccine, she would be home with her husband and son.


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