Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Anderson Cooper loses it over cat butts
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[ # ] Anderson Cooper loses it over cat butts
January 2nd, 2024 under Anderson Cooper, Andy Cohen

New Year’s Eve was back to being special on CNN because Andy Cohen and Anderson Cooper were able to drink again. And that means we got to see Anderson giggle!

However, nothing caused him to giggle as much as when they were talking to John Mayer at a cat bar in Tokyo. That is because the cats were ready for their close-ups, not with their faces but their butts.

And now we know what Anderson is like when he sees pussy from behind.

BTW Am I the only one who wants Mayer to do a traveling series where he visits cat cafes and bars all over the world while a drunk Cooper interviews him? They could call it Kitty Porn. CNN needs a hit, and that could be it.


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