Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Amanda Bynes had another crazy night that ended with her in 5150
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[ # ] Amanda Bynes had another crazy night that ended with her in 5150
July 23rd, 2013 under Amanda Bynes

Exactly two months ago Amanda Bynes was taken away by police and held on 5150, and today the same thing is happening to her again. Although the circumstances and the location are different.
Amanda Bynes is back in LA and she is already making headlines. According TMZ on Sunday Amanda Bynes tried to enter a retirement community, but they wouldn’t let her in because they thought she appeared to be drunk. So it’s reported they called her cab. Then when she got in the taxi, she allegedly told the driver “Get me the f**k out of here … I don’t have any money.” It was at that point they said she got into a fight with the him and tried to reenter the retirement community. It was at that point that TMZ says cops were called, but they can find no record of her arrest. So they are assuming that she was just ticketed for trespassing.
Well that was Sunday, yesterday around 9p TMZ says she was arrested for starting a fire on a stranger’s driveway. The website added that when cops asked her why she was standing by the fire, her answers warranted them to take her in for a 5150 instead of jail. Where she is now.
She has yet to Tweet about the hold, but I am sure once she can she will. And it will be as interesting as the last few days of her life.


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