Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Adam Sandler almost lost his Happy Gilmore to a seagull
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[ # ] Adam Sandler almost lost his Happy Gilmore to a seagull
June 7th, 2022 under Adam Sandler, Jimmy Fallon

Adam Sandler has a black eye after an accident in his bed. And it turns out that is not his worst recent injury.

Yesterday, when the Sandman was on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon, the actor told the host a story about his recent trip to Spain. When he was there, he went for a swim in the Meditteranean. The water there is very salty, so everything floats. And I do mean everything.

As the comedian was in the water, he noticed everyone was naked because it was a nude beach. He decided to give it a go and took off his bathing suit. That caused his testicles and fishing hook to float up to the water.

It must’ve looked yummy because some seagulls thought it was a fish, I am sorry, worm, and tried to take a bite out of it. But when they got closer, they realized it was not what they thought it was and flew away. He thought he was in the clear until he saw another seagull that thought it looked like a Wendy’s french fry.

And now he will never go nude again, and the seagulls are happy about that.


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