(photo from Splash News Online)
We are just days away from the network Upfronts, where we will find out which pilots will become shows! But we don’t have to wait until to Monday to find out if Fox picked up Absolutely Fabulous for the fall, thanks to
Nikki Finke we are finding out that the pilot that never should’ve been won’t go any further than that!!! Seriously what was Fox thinking in the first place by trying to Americanize the brilliant British show? Thankfully the Grim Reaper got this show… On that note,
The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that The CW’s Reaper which seemed like a sure bet to be sent back to hell might actually live on for a third season. I watch this show (in fact I am watching it as I type) and even I was OK with the devil collecting this show’s soul. Maybe someone close to the show really did sell their soul to the devil because this show was lucky to see a second season let alone a third.