Seriously? OMG! WTF? » ABC sked updates: No more Extreme Makeovers and LOST back 2/7
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[ # ] ABC sked updates: No more Extreme Makeovers and LOST back 2/7
October 25th, 2006 under ABC, Lost

The return of ABC’s reality show "Extreme Makeover" lasted one week. The network has pulled the plastic surgery series after one low-rated airing in the 8 p.m. Friday slot. Beginning November 3, ABC will return to the scheduling pattern from earlier in the season, airing a repeat of "Grey’s Anatomy" in the opening hour of primetime. Additionally, ABC has set February 7 as a return date for the hit drama "Lost." The first portion of the adventure series’ third season is slated to end November 8, with new series "Day Break" schedule to air in "Lost’s" 9 p.m. Wednesday slot starting November 15. When it returns February 7, "Lost" is scheduled to run with all-original episodes through the end of the season. In another scheduling move, ABC is bringing the legal drama "Boston Legal" to its original 10 p.m. Sunday slot November 26 for a special airing of the opening of a two-part episode. The conclusion is slated to run November 28 in "Boston Legal’s" regular 10 p.m. Tuesday slot.

Hollywood Reporter (Thanks Clinton)

I can’t believe ABC is shooting themselves in the foot with only one LOST airing during Nivember Sweeps.


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