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[ # ] A Twinkies Cookbook – what is next?
June 29th, 2006 under Odd

Twinkie lovers are gobbling up a new cookbook featuring recipes for Twinkie Burritos and Twinkie Sushi.

In 2005, as part of Twinkies’ 75th anniversary celebration, Hostess asked people to share their ideas for cooking with Twinkies. The publisher, Ten Speed Press, said hundreds of people responded with a collection of homegrown, creative, and sometimes wacky recipes.

The recipes include the aforementioned burrito filled with Twinkies, strawberries and chocolate and sushi — featuring green fruit leather instead of seaweed. Pigs in a Twinkie includes the traditional sausage.

The book includes more than 50 recipes and 20 full-color photographs.
UPI (story) and AP (photo) and order it here.

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