Seriously? OMG! WTF? » A mini Glee reunion: Artie, Kurt, and Mercedes!
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[ # ] A mini Glee reunion: Artie, Kurt, and Mercedes!
February 10th, 2025 under Chris Colfer, Glee

Glee was something to sing about, but the controversies and curses that followed the musical series are not. That could be why some of the surviving cast members are still friends after all of these years and hang out.

Over the weekend, Kevin McHale, Chris Colfer, and Amber Reilly hung out just like they did in high school. Seriously, I could see their characters being friends after graduating, So it is nice to see that they also are in real life. And they still look just as good.

Am I the only one who wonders what they sang during their time together? You know they had to do just one song for old time’s sake.


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