Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Sammy Hagar clarifies that he’s willing to die from COVID-19 to restart touring
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[ # ] Sammy Hagar clarifies that he’s willing to die from COVID-19 to restart touring
June 26th, 2020 under Constance Wu, Coronavirus

The other day, Rolling Stone posted an article where they asked 13 legendary musicians, and Sammy Hagar are they willing to go back on the road before there is a vaccine for COVID-19. Hagar was the only one who said he would.

In fact, he said, “This is hard to say without stirring somebody up, but truthfully, I’d rather personally get sick and even die, if that’s what it takes. We have to save the world and this country from this economic thing that’s going to kill more people in the long run.” Well, as you can expect, that did not go over well with people.

Today, he clarifed what he meant by that on social media:
Hey, Sammy here. Earlier in the week @rollingstone ran a compilation piece from their Quarantine Q&A series. I did that interview a month and a half ago, things change very fast right now, so I wanted to clarify and put a few things into context now.

I did that interview May 8th when we were already several weeks into the stay-at-home, which my family and I took very seriously, and things were starting to look up, the curve was beginning to flatten. So when I was asked if I’d be comfortable enough to get back onstage before a vaccine was out, I was cautiously optimistic. I said, “Yeah, not too soon. I want to make sure it’s not escalating. When it’s declining and seems to be going away.” Big picture, it’s about getting back to work in a safe and responsible way and getting this economy rolling again. I will do my part. I stand by that. I employ 200 people directly and when we tour even more. Like everything today, it’s a watch and see over the next few months but we remain cautiously optimistic that with the right improvements and safety measures in place, we might be able to play shows this year. That said, as things change, for the better or worse, we will appropriately adjust our plans.

Do you believe that is what he meant or he is just trying to cover his a$$?

BTW I was just wondering. If Hagar didn’t join Van Halen, would he be considered a one hit wonder?


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