Dumbo stars Colin Farrell and Danny DeVito sat down to answer Wired’s Web’s Most Searched Questions. Someone wanted to know if it is true that Farrell auditioned for the Irish (Yes, he is Irish and not British. Don’t make that mistake) boyband Boyzone.
He admitted that he did and the tone-deaf actor sang Wham’s Careless Whisper not once but twice for the producers. He believes they asked him to sing it again because he was so tone deaf and “they could actually believe I had the balls to stand in front of them and sing.”
How bad was he? The actor not singer said, “It was a boy band and look, two of the members of the boyband had dead mics and I could not even be one of them. That’s how bad I was.”
While he was not good enough to sing with Boyzone, he was good enough to sing in Crazy Heart. That was his voice in the movie.
Oh and Danny DeVito really did eat fish in Batman when he played the Penguin.