Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Foo Fighters get Rickrolled by Rick Astley!
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[ # ] Foo Fighters get Rickrolled by Rick Astley!
August 21st, 2017 under Foo Fighters, Rick Astley

Remember when Foo Fighters took on that ridiculously hateful church group by Rickrolling them almost 2 years ago to the day? Well yesterday, the band Rick Rolled the Summer Sonic audience in Tokyo with Rick Astley singing his unforgettable hit Never Going to Give You Up and the band playing backup. Much to the delight of Foo Fighters, Astley, the audience and us! Forget the eclipse, this is the greatest thing you will see all day!

Hell, I would not be surprised if that version of the song with a little of Nirvana’s Smells Like Teen Spirit mixed in is released as a single. Sh!t, I would be surprised if the new friends go on tour together. Could you imagine what the audience would look like? It could bring peace between the Preppies and the Grungers! Are they fighting, or should I say Foo fighting?


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