Remember whenever they showed Julia Sugarbaker’s house on Designing Women, you wished you could own it? Well now you can if you have $975,000 to buy Villa Marre. While the show was based in Atlanta, the beautiful home is actually located in Little Rock, Arkansas.
According to the realtors The Janet Jones Company, the Victorian house that was built 1881 has “huge over-sized rooms, two parlors, dining room, large vintage kitchen, sweeping staircase, 1.5 baths, 3 bedrooms.”
If you think it looks beautiful on the outside, it is even more stunning on the inside. The classic comedy did not do it justice. As impressive as the staircase was on the sitcom, the real one is even more spectacular.
I am so in love with the Villa Marre, I was wondering if someone will give me a $1,000,000, so I can call it my own. I will even let you stay there for free anytime you are in Little Rock.