Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Samuel L Jackson yells at three cute little kittens
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[ # ] Samuel L Jackson yells at three cute little kittens
September 27th, 2016 under Jane the Virgin, Jimmy Fallon, Samuel L Jackson
Samuel L Jackson and Gina Rodriguez were on The Tonight Show yesterday and Jimmy Fallon challenged them to a new game called Truth or Door. Basically, they had to either answer a truth or accept whatever challenge was behind the door. Hollywood’s baddest guy not only told a truth, but decided to go for whatever was behind Door #1. That was when Steve Higgins rolled out a box of three purrfect kittens and told Shaft he had to yell at them as he explained why they should see his favorite movie. He walked over to the awwwdorable kitties and went all Snakes on the Plane on then as he told them why he loves The Raid 2.
And now those cute cats are no longer adoptable because they are scared of everyone. Which is why, I guess, they call them scaredy cats.
Lets be real here, weren’t you like, oh no, he is going to scream at that those sweet little faces that you just want to kiss over and over again? Then we did, you didn’t whether to laugh or feel sorry for them. It was a lot of mixed emotions!


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[ # 1258407 ] Comment from Mitt Zombie [September 28, 2016, 6:02 am]

Fallon sucks harder than Trump on Putin.

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