Seriously? OMG! WTF? » I found my Halloween costume!
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[ # ] I found my Halloween costume!
September 29th, 2015 under Halloween, The Dress

Remember earlier this year, when “The Dress” was all the rage? You know, the one that made you ask is black and blue or white and gold? Well, Yandy made a costume out of it and it is half one of the colors and half the other colors. I don’t know about you; but not only is this $46.95 dress my Halloween costume, it is also my go-to little black dress. Wouldn’t it be fun to go to a bar and ask people what color is my dress? The drunker the better!


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[ # 1256797 ] Comment from Strepsi [September 29, 2015, 7:18 pm]

Bar dress conversation starter, YES (the drunker the better!)

Halloween costume, no.

“What are you going as?”
“Someone wearing that dress from the internet”

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