Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Richard Gere’s people would allegedly deny this Family Feud answer
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[ # ] Richard Gere’s people would allegedly deny this Family Feud answer
February 10th, 2015 under Reba McEntire, Steve Harvey

Family Feud asked 100 people, “Name something a doctor might pull out of a person?” and the contestants had to guess what those individuals said. Darci was quick to buzz in and she said, “gerbil.” As soon as she realized what word just came out of her mouth, she shook her head in shame and disgust. While she was doing that, Steve Harvey just stared at her dumbfounded and her competitor, Manny, laughed at her with the best laugh I’ve heard in a while.
So was the answer on the board? Hell no. But it will forever be in our thoughts. Just like the urban legend about Richard Gere, you know, the one. I never thought that there was any truth to it, but yet every now and again I am reminded of that false rumor. For example, how can you not think about it after watching yet another hilarious moment from the game show?


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