Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Idina Menzel let it go with classroom instruments on The Tonight Show
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[ # ] Idina Menzel let it go with classroom instruments on The Tonight Show
March 3rd, 2014 under Jimmy Fallon, RENT

Hot off of singing Let It Go at the Oscars, Idina Menzel aka Adele Dazeem sang the Oscar winning song from Frozen on The Tonight Show tonight. She didn’t have an orchestra to back her up, instead it was Jimmy Fallon and The Roots using instruments you could find in a classroom to help out her powerful voice. The Rent star really Let It Go in this beautiful performance.
BTW I am sure every elementary school teacher is going to hate Jimmy Fallon starting tomorrow. Why? Because millions of girls are going to look for instruments they can find in their classroom to sing their favorite song like Menzel did on The Tonight Show over and over and over again. And it is only going to get worse for parents and teachers because Frozen is coming out on Home Video next Tuesday. Just when they thought it was safe to come out from the cold, Frozen is theirs to own whenever their kid wants to see it.


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