Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Boycott Vitamin Water
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[ # ] Boycott Vitamin Water
July 7th, 2006 under American Idol 1-5, Odd

KELLY Clarkson has agreed to promote her own flavor of Vitamin Water. The only catch is the company won’t announce the deal until the "American Idol" winner loses some more weight. Last year, 50 Cent endorsed his own flavor of the trendy sports drink, which is said to have 50 percent of the daily vitamin requirements. The muscular rapper actually looks like he’s in robust health. Clarkson looks like she could lose a few pounds. Since the brand is all about fitness and health, she’s been put on a strict diet and the deal is secret until she slims down.

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Please she is fine the way she is! Seriously not the best advertising idea to have a superskiiny girl (like Nicole Richie) promote your Vitamin Water as their only meal of the day. But it could just be me?


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