Seriously? OMG! WTF? » WGA to strike a rally day of the ANTM premiere
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[ # ] WGA to strike a rally day of the ANTM premiere
September 11th, 2006 under Tyra Banks, WGA Strike

The Writers Guild of America West is planning a large demonstration Sept. 20, launch date for the seventh season of "America’s Next Top Model" as the centerpiece of the CW sked. The WGA notified members and supporters Monday that it’s planning a two-hour "unity rally" at Pan Pacific Park to support the striking writers at "Top Model" along with seeking "fair" compensation for Internet downloads and a new contract for CBS news writers. "Tell your boss you are going to a rally," a guild flyer said. "Your attendance at an action in sympathy with striking colleagues is legally protected by the National Labor Relations Act." The ongoing protests outside the "Top Model" production offices are the most active staged by the WGA since it launched its still-unsuccessful drive to organize reality show writers two years ago. It’s signed up more than 1,000 writers who want to be repped by the guild but has yet to sign a contract with a series producer. An email sent out by organizers Monday urged employed writers to take the time off to attend the rally. "If you’re worried about it for workaholic, the-show-must-go-on reasons . . . GET A GRIP!  And I say this will all respect and love – GET A GRIP," it said. " The show WILL go on. We’ll all make sure it does. That’s what we do.  This whole house of cards has been able to survive BECAUSE most of us have an amped-up work ethic that — by default or by design — has been used against us.  It’s about to come crashing down." Despite the strike, the CW has never wavered from its plans to launch the "Top Model" season next week. Weblet has asserted that the writers and the WGA should take the issue to the Natl. Labor Relations Board so that the federal agency can conduct an election — a time-consuming step that would take many months to complete.


Sadly for the writers on strike, there will always be several writers who are willing to do the job without the WGA representation. So in other words the cause is in vain for the time being.


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