Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Bo Bice cancels shows because of surgery
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[ # ] Bo Bice cancels shows because of surgery
October 9th, 2006 under American Idol 1-5, Sick Bay

Message From Management, October 9, 2006 Bo’s relationship with you, his fans, has been one built on honesty from the very beginning. The moment he stepped on the stage for the first time at Idol, Bo has always been truthful and transparent about who he is and situations in his life. When he was hospitalized in Las Vegas with an intestinal condition, his desire not to disappoint his fans pushed him to get back out on tour as soon as he was able. As you all know, the situation was not resolved by that surgery, and Bo has unfortunately seen the inside of emergency rooms in different cities too often over the past year. After in depth discussions with his physicians, a new round of tests was scheduled during a break in the tour to attempt to pinpoint the problem and determine a course of action to resolve it. After the first round of tests was completed last week, Bo’s medical team concluded on review of the results that surgery could not wait, and he was immediately admitted to the hospital. The surgery was not easy or routine, and after a setback the following day, Bo is now recovering well under the supervision of his doctors and hospital staff.

We are confident that Bo will have a complete recovery, and hopeful that this procedure will be the final resolution to the problems that have existed for the past year. Bo is disappointed to say that this will obviously impact the remainder of the tour, but to what extent is currently unclear. We know your thoughts and prayers are with him, and we will keep you updated periodically if there are any changes.

One final comment to some inaccurate information that was released last week. Heath Clark has not “left” Sugarmoney. With the end of the album cycle rapidly approaching, Heath needed to insure the financial stability of he and his family. After full discussion with Bo and the boys, the decision was made that was best for everyone, and Heath will be back on board when it is time to begin the next cycle. Contrary to other people, and other sites, the band is still whole and united, and right now is there in support of Bo as he recovers.

Bo Bice’s website 

I hope he gets better soon, and can finally get through all the stuff with his stomach. Poor guy.

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